Loftus Peak is pleased to announce that we will be a featured presenter in the 2021 ASX Investor Day series. Come and hear our Chief Investment Officer Alex Pollak discuss investment insights in the plenary session or speak to members of our team at the Loftus Peak stand.
The events will be held in May across Brisbane (8th), Melbourne (15th) and Sydney (22nd). Register now, as places are strictly limited. We are excited to be able to offer a 50% discount on event tickets when you use the code “ID50”.
For those that can’t make it in person, the Sydney event will also be live streamed from the International Convention Centre in Sydney and attending in this way is free.
The Loftus Peak Global Disruption Fund is listed on the ASX (ASX: LPGD)
With just one trade on the ASX you can effectively invest in the 33* global companies that we believe will shape your future.
There is no minimum investment and no complicated and lengthy paperwork.
All you require is a stockbroking account.
*as at 30 April 2021
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